4  Distributions

4.1 Prepare a corpus

4.1.1 Load the needed packages


4.1.2 Load a corpus

The repository comes with some data sets. The conventional way to format text data prior to processing is as a table with a column of document ids (which correspond to the the file names) and a column of texts. Such a table is easy to create from text data on your own local drive using the package readtext.


To peek at the data, we’ll look at the first 100 characters in the “text” column of the first row:

sample_corpus |>
  mutate(text = substr(text, start = 1, stop = 100)) |>
  head(10) |>
doc_id text
acad_01 Teachers and other school personnel are often counseled to use research findings in making curricula
acad_02 Abstract Does the conflict in El Salvador, conceptualized by the U.S. government as a battle in the
acad_03 January 17, 1993, will mark the 100th anniversary of the deposing of the Hawaiian monarchy. "Prior t
acad_04 Thirty years have passed since the T1961 meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies in C
acad_05 ABSTRACT -- A common property resource with open access, such as a fishery, will be used to excess w
acad_06 Despite some encouraging signs and hopeful expectations that democracy has made reasonable progress
acad_07 evaluation component. Similarly, Stewart ( 1982,1989 ) has shown that a common response to unfamilia
acad_08 Section: Education "A lab is where you do science" ( Thornton 1972 ). An investigative laboratory (
acad_09 In 1968, the thirtieth anniversary issue of the Journal of Politics celebrated the great advance in
acad_10 monologue -- and of Novas Calvo's story -- may thus be clarified, not as that of facilitating an obj

4.1.3 Load functions

The repository also contains a number of useful functions. Here, will load some that will calculate a number of common dispersion measures.


4.1.4 Create and corpus

Make a corpus object.

sc <- corpus(sample_corpus)

And check the result:

sc |>
  summary() |>
  head(10) |>
Table 4.1: Partial summary of sample corpus.
Text Types Tokens Sentences
acad_01 842 2818 95
acad_02 983 2845 88
acad_03 968 2885 126
acad_04 1017 2864 102
acad_05 914 2837 109
acad_06 1007 2813 86
acad_07 663 2952 92
acad_08 870 2830 118
acad_09 980 2899 131
acad_10 1118 2883 77

4.2 Document variables (Name your files systematically!)


File names can encode important meta-data. In this case, the names include text-types, much like the Corpus of Contemporary American English.

This is extremely important. When you build your own corpora, you want to purposefully and systematically name your files and organize your directories. This will save you time and effort later in your analysis.

We are now going to extract the meta-data from the file names and pass them as a variable.

doc_categories <- str_extract(sample_corpus$doc_id, "^[a-z]+")

Check the result:

Document categories.

We will now assign the variable to the corpus. The following command might look backwards, with the function on the left hand side of the <- operator. That is because it’s an accessor function, which lets us add or modify data in an object. You can tell when a function is an accessor function like this because its help file will show that you can use it with <-, for example in ?docvars.

docvars(sc, field = "text_type") <- doc_categories

And check the summary again:

sc |>
  summary() |>
  head(10) |>
Partial summary of sample corpus.
Text Types Tokens Sentences text_type
acad_01 842 2818 95 acad
acad_02 983 2845 88 acad
acad_03 968 2885 126 acad
acad_04 1017 2864 102 acad
acad_05 914 2837 109 acad
acad_06 1007 2813 86 acad
acad_07 663 2952 92 acad
acad_08 870 2830 118 acad
acad_09 980 2899 131 acad
acad_10 1118 2883 77 acad

Assigning docvars is based entirely on ordering. In other words, you are simply attaching a vector of categories to the corpus object. There is no merging by shared keys. Thus, you always need to be sure that your docvars are in the same order as your doc_ids. This is the reason why we extracted them directly from the doc_ids.

4.3 Tokenize the corpus

We’ll use quanteda to tokenize. And after tokenization, we’ll convert them to lower case. Why do that here? As a next step, we’ll being combining tokens like a and lot into single units. And we’ll be using a list of expressions that isn’t case sensitive.

sc_tokens <- tokens(sc, include_docvars=TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_symbols = TRUE, what = "word")

sc_tokens <- tokens_tolower(sc_tokens)

4.4 Multi-word Expressions

An issue that we run into frequently with corpus analysis is what to do with multi-word expressions. For example, consider a common English quantifier: “a lot”. Typical tokenization rules will split this into two tokens: a and lot. But counting a lot as a single unit might be important depending on our task. We have a way of telling quanteda to account for these tokens.

All that we need is a list of multi-word expressions.

The cmu.textstat comes with an example of an mwe list called multiword_expressions:

Examples of multi-word expressions.
winter haven
with a view to
with reference to
with regard to
with relation to
with respect to

The tokens_compound() function looks for token sequences that match our list and combines them using an underscore.

sc_tokens <- tokens_compound(sc_tokens, pattern = phrase(multiword_expressions))

4.5 Create a document-feature matrix

With our tokens object we can now create a document-feature-matrix using the dfm() function. As a reminder, a dfm is table with one row per document in the corpus, and one column per unique token in the corpus. Each cell contains a count of how many times a token shows up in that document.

sc_dfm <- dfm(sc_tokens)

Next we’ll create a dfm with proportionally weighted counts.

prop_dfm <- dfm_weight(sc_dfm, scheme = "prop")

4.6 Token distributions

4.6.1 Distributions of the

Let’s start by selecting frequencies of the most common token in the corpus:

freq_df <- textstat_frequency(sc_dfm) %>%
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F)
freq_df |>
  head(10) |>
The 10 most frequent tokens in the sample corpus.
feature frequency rank docfreq group
the 50920 1 399 all
and 25232 2 398 all
to 24753 3 397 all
of 22060 4 399 all
a 21614 5 398 all
in 15969 6 399 all
i 12568 7 348 all
that 12537 8 396 all
you 10951 9 341 all
is 9901 10 389 all

From the weighted dfm, we can select any token that we’d like to look at more closely. In this case, we’ll select the most frequent token: the.

After selecting the variable, we will convert the data into a more friendly data structure.

There are easier ways of doing this, but the first bit of the code-chunk allows us to filter by rank and return a character vector that we can pass. This way, we can find a word of any arbitrary rank.

Also note how the rename() function is set up. Let’s say our token is the. The dfm_select() function would result with a column named the that we’d want to rename RF. So our typical syntax would be: rename(RF = the). In the chunk below, however, our column name is the variable word. To pass that variable to rename, we use !!name(word).

word <- freq_df %>% 
  filter(rank == 1) %>% 
  dplyr::select(feature) %>%

word_df <- dfm_select(prop_dfm, word, valuetype = "fixed") # select the token

word_df <- word_df %>% 
  convert(to = "data.frame") %>% 
  cbind(docvars(word_df)) %>% 
  rename(RF = !!as.name(word)) %>% 
  mutate(RF = RF*1000000)

With that data it is a simple matter to generate basic summary statistics using the group_by() function:

summary_table <- word_df %>% 
  group_by(text_type) %>%
  summarize(MEAN = mean(RF),
              SD = sd(RF),
              N = n())
summary_table |>
Means and standard deviations by text-type.
text_type MEAN SD N
acad 68619.64 18327.10 50
blog 51270.54 13389.38 50
fic 54202.41 14254.79 50
mag 57117.76 13986.30 50
news 50574.84 18333.09 50
spok 42693.44 9727.79 50
tvm 32532.85 11981.88 50
web 60592.68 21641.35 50

And we can inspect a histogram of the frequencies. To set the width of our bins we’ll use the Freedman-Diaconis rule. The bin-width is set to: \[h = 2 x \frac{IQR(x)}{n^{1/3}}\]

So the number of bins is (max-min)/h, where n is the number of observations, max is the maximum value and min is the minimum value.

bin_width <- function(x){
  2 * IQR(x) / length(x)^(1/3)

Now we can plot a histogram. We’re also adding a dashed line showing the mean. Note we’re also going to use the scales package to remove scientific notation from our tick labels.

ggplot(word_df,aes(RF)) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = bin_width(word_df$RF), colour="black", fill="white", linewidth=.25) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(RF)), color="red", linetype="dashed", linewidth=.5) +
  theme_classic() +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  xlab("RF (per mil. words)")

Histogram of the token the

4.6.2 Distributions of the and of

Now let’s try plotting histograms of two tokens on the same plot. First we’re going to use regular expressions to select the columns. The carat or hat ^ looks for the start of line. Without it, we would also get words like “blather”. The dollar symbol $ looks for the end of a line. The straight line | means OR. Think about how useful this flexibility can be. You could, for example, extract all words that end in -ion.

# Note "regex" rather than "fixed"
word_df <- dfm_select(prop_dfm, "^the$|^of$", valuetype = "regex")

# Now we'll convert our selection and normalize to 10000 words.
word_df <- word_df %>% 
  convert(to = "data.frame") %>%
  mutate(the = the*10000) %>%
  mutate(of = of*10000)

# Use "pivot_longer" to go from a wide format to a long one
word_df <- word_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(!doc_id, names_to = "token", values_to = "RF") %>% 
  mutate(token = factor(token))

Now let’s make a new histogram. Here we assign the values of color and fill to the “token” column. We also make the columns a little transparent using the “alpha” setting.

ggplot(word_df,aes(x = RF, color = token, fill = token)) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = bin_width(word_df$RF), alpha=.5, position = "identity") +
  theme_classic() +
  xlab("RF (per mil. words)") +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size=5))

Histogram of the tokens the and of.

If we don’t want overlapping histograms, we can use facet_wrap() to split the plots.

ggplot(word_df,aes(x = RF, color = token, fill = token)) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = bin_width(word_df$RF), alpha=.5, position = "identity") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size=5)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  xlab("RF (per mil. words)") +
  facet_wrap(~ token)

Histogram of the tokens the and of.
Pause for Lab Set Question

4.7 Dispersion

We can also calculate dispersion, and there are a variety of measures at our disposal. Our toolkit has several functions for producing these calculations.

For example, we can find the dispersion of any specific token:

the <- dispersions_token(sc_dfm, "the") %>% unlist()
Dispersion measures for the token .
Absolute frequency 50920.000
Per_10.5 5240.015
Relative entropy of all sizes of the corpus parts 1.000
Range 399.000
Maxmin 292.000
Standard deviation 45.926
Variation coefficient 0.361
Chi-square 6295.422
Juilland et al.’s D (based on equally-sized corpus parts) 0.982
Juilland et al.’s D (not requiring equally-sized corpus parts) 0.982
Carroll’s D2 0.989
Rosengren’s S (based on equally-sized corpus parts) 0.963
Rosengren’s S (not requiring equally-sized corpus parts) 0.966
Lyne’s D3 (not requiring equally-sized corpus parts) 0.968
Distributional consistency DC 0.963
Inverse document frequency IDF 0.004
Engvall’s measure 50792.700
Juilland et al.’s U (based on equally-sized corpus parts) 50000.333
Juilland et al.’s U (not requiring equally-sized corpus parts) 50010.750
Carroll’s Um (based on equally sized corpus parts) 50342.268
Rosengren’s Adjusted Frequency (based on equally sized corpus parts) 49032.932
Rosengren’s Adjusted Frequency (not requiring equally sized corpus parts) 49185.689
Kromer’s Ur 2135.564
Deviation of proportions DP 0.139
Deviation of proportions DP (normalized) 0.139

And let’s try another token to compare:

data <- dispersions_token(sc_dfm, "data") %>% unlist()
Deviation of Proportions for the tokens and .
the data
Deviation of proportions DP 0.139 0.846
Pause for Lab Set Question

4.7.1 Dispersions for all tokens

We can also calculate selected dispersion measures for all tokens using dispersions_all():

d <- dispersions_all(sc_dfm)
Dispersion measures for all tokens.
Token AF Per_10.5 Carrolls_D2 Rosengrens_S Lynes_D3 DC Juillands_D DP DP_norm
the 50920 5240.015 0.989 0.966 0.968 0.963 0.982 0.139 0.139
and 25232 2596.545 0.990 0.970 0.973 0.967 0.983 0.123 0.124
to 24753 2547.252 0.993 0.980 0.983 0.976 0.987 0.090 0.090
of 22060 2270.124 0.978 0.933 0.935 0.932 0.974 0.199 0.199
a 21614 2224.228 0.992 0.977 0.978 0.973 0.986 0.109 0.109
in 15969 1643.319 0.988 0.962 0.963 0.960 0.981 0.146 0.146

4.8 Generating a frequency table

Alternatively, frequency_table() returns only Deviation of Proportions and Average Reduced Frequency.

Note that ARF requires a tokens object and takes a couple of minutes to calculate.

ft <- frequency_table(sc_tokens)
Frequency and dispersion measures for all tokens.
Token AF Per_10.5 ARF DP
1 the 50920 5240.015 31901.106 0.139
2 and 25232 2596.545 15914.149 0.123
3 to 24753 2547.252 15468.494 0.090
5 of 22060 2270.124 13089.728 0.199
4 a 21614 2224.228 13239.704 0.109
6 in 15969 1643.319 9772.267 0.146
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4.9 Zipf’s Law

Let’s plot rank against frequency for the 100 most frequent tokens in the sample corpus.

ggplot(freq_df %>% filter(rank < 101), aes(x = rank, y = frequency)) +
  geom_point(shape = 1, alpha = .5) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("Absolute frequency") +

Token rank vs. frequency.

The relationship you’re seeing between the rank of a token and it’s frequency holds true for almost any corpus and is referred to as Zipf’s Law (see Brezina pg. 44).

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