A Short History of LLMs

Background and introduction to NLP

David Brown

Statistics & Data Science 36-468/668

Fall 2024



How did we get to large language models (LLMs)

  • Our topics
    • Review some history of natural language processing (NLP) and digital writing technologies
    • Look at the architectures of models and how they’ve changed over time
    • Share the results of some research and discuss some of the potential implications


How did we get to large language models (LLMs)

  • Our goals
    • Show how these technologies fundamentally work.
    • Introduce some foundational concepts in NLP.
    • Walk though some considerations of research design.



Writing is inseparable from technological change (Gabrial 2007)


Writing is inseparable from technological change

New surfaces:



wood-pulp paper


Writing is inseparable from technological change


Writing is inseparable from technological change

New implements:


metal-tipped pen

mass-produced pencil


Writing is inseparable from technological change


Writing is inseparable from technological change

New systems:


postal networks

commercial publishers


Writing is inseparable from technological change

  • Technological change is often met with skepticism, if not hostility and fear.

Think of the moral and intellectual training that comes to a student who writes a manuscript with the knowledge that his [sic] errors will stand out on the page as honestly confessed and openly advertised mistakes. (S. Y. G. 1908)


Writing is inseparable from technological change

  • Technological change is often met with skepticism, if not hostility and fear.

The eraser is an instrument of the devil because it perpetuates a culture of shame about error. It’s a way of lying to the world, which says ‘I didn’t make a mistake. I got it right first time.’ That’s what happens when you can rub it out and replace it. Instead, we need a culture where children are not afraid to make mistakes, they look at their mistakes and they learn from them, where they are continuously reflecting and improving on what they’ve done, not being enthralled to getting the right answer quickly and looking smart. (Espinoza 2015)


Writing is inseparable from technological change

In 2009, researchers at Google published an article that coincided with the release of its N-gram Viewer and the corresponding data tables (Halevy, Norvig, and Pereira 2009).

But the fact that it’s a million times larger than the Brown Corpus outweighs these drawbacks. A trillion-word corpus—along with other Web-derived corpora of millions, billions, or trillions of links, videos, images, tables, and user interactions—captures even very rare aspects of human behavior. So, this corpus could serve as the basis of a complete model for certain tasks—if only we knew how to extract the model from the data.

We will return to this excerpt, but for now, let’s focus on this final claim…


The concept of a language model has been around for a long time…


The concept of a language model has been around for a long time…


The concept of a language model has been around for a long time…


The concept of a language model has been around for a long time…


Beginnings of NLP


Towards Computation


Emergence of ML


The concept of a language model has been around for a long time…

The beginnings of NLP

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

A memo shared with a small group of researchers who were at the forefront of machine translation after WWII, anticipates the challenges and possibilities of the computer analysis of text. (Weaver 1949)

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

If one examines the words in a book, one at a time as through an opaque mask with a hole in it on word wide, then it is obviously impossible to determine, one at a time, the meaning of words.

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

But if one lengthens the slit in the opaque mask, until one can see not only the central word in question, but also say N words on either side, then if N is large enough one can unambiguously decide the meaning of the central word.

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

The practical question is, what minimum value of N will, at least in a tolerable fraction of cases, lead to the correct choice of meaning for the central word?

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

  • “You shall know a word by the company it keeps.” (Firth 1957)
  • The meaning of word can be determined by examining the contextual window or span around that word.

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

Pre-node Node Post-node
upscaling generally hold fast during a 4K 60FPS gaming session.
a dragster, going fast in a straight line is actually pretty boring
The benefits of the fast can be maintained long term,
adopted slowly, but comes on fast once it’s hit the mainstream
They simply disagree on how fast to go and how best to get there in superseding it.
which appeared stuck fast in the ground it had plowed up

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

Pre-node Node Post-node
upscaling generally hold fast during a 4K 60FPS gaming session.
a dragster, going fast in a straight line is actually pretty boring
The benefits of the fast can be maintained long term,
adopted slowly, but comes on fast once it’s hit the mainstream
They simply disagree on how fast to go and how best to get there in superseding it.
which appeared stuck fast in the ground it had plowed up

The beginnings of NLP

The question of multiple meanings (or polysemy)

Pre-node Node Post-node
upscaling generally hold fast during a 4K 60FPS gaming session.
a dragster, going fast in a straight line is actually pretty boring
The benefits of the fast can be maintained long term,
adopted slowly, but comes on fast once it’s hit the mainstream
They simply disagree on how fast to go and how best to get there in superseding it.
which appeared stuck fast in the ground it had plowed up

The beginnings of NLP

  • The “context window” is a fundamental insight that powers the training of LLMs (from word2vec to BERT to ChatGPT).

The beginnings of NLP

As early as the mid-twentieth century, researchers…

  • had considered the potential for a “context window” to solve word-sense disambiguation

  • were developing the statistical tools that would eventually power the training of LLMs (i.e., neural networks).


Why didn’t we have LLMs sooner?

The beginnings of NLP

Context free grammar

  • To cope with these limitations (and beliefs about language structure) early models resorted to hard-coding rules


NP → the N


V → sings | eats

N → cat | song | canary

– the canary sings the song

– the song eats the cat

The beginnings of NLP

Context free grammar

The ALPAC Report, which was released in 1966, was highly skeptical of these kinds of approaches.

The beginnings of NLP

Context free grammar

…we do not have useful machine translation. Furthermore, there is no immediate or predictable prospect of useful machine translation.

The beginnings of NLP

Context free grammar

Some of the work must be done on a rather large scale, since small-scale experiments and work with miniature models of language have proved seriously deceptive in the past, and one can come to grips with real problems only above a certain scale of grammar size, dictionary size, and available corpus.

Towards computation

Towards computation

Converting words into numbers (a typical processing pipeline)

Towards computation

A document-feature matrix (or a document-term matrix)

  • The make-up or sampling frame of the Brown family of corpora. (Kučera and Francis 1967)
  • From the 15 categories, 2000-word text samples were selected.
  • 2000 x 500 ≈ 1,000,000 words
ID Category Name Number of Texts
A Press: Reportage 44
B Press: Editorial 27
C Press: Reviews 17
D Religion 17
E Skill And Hobbies 36
F Popular Lore 48
G Belles-Lettres 75
H Miscellaneous: Government & House Organs 30
J Learned 80
K Fiction: General 29
L Fiction: Mystery 24
M Fiction: Science 6
N Fiction: Adventure 29
P Fiction: Romance 29
R Humor 9

Towards computation

A document-feature matrix (or a document-term matrix)

Absolute frequency in the Brown Corpus.
doc_id the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his
A01 155 65 40 55 54 40 28 12 18 7 22 19 6 13 12
A02 134 94 33 56 51 36 11 11 15 13 24 15 6 14 6
A03 150 65 40 62 43 42 12 12 11 19 34 5 7 7 9
A04 160 68 45 52 38 58 33 14 13 12 19 13 9 17 6
A05 167 61 34 72 54 42 41 14 15 45 27 9 10 8 6
A06 150 77 37 52 54 43 18 28 12 32 31 10 15 8 15
A07 167 65 43 54 39 55 17 32 12 11 29 8 16 16 9
A08 183 69 29 58 39 49 15 25 4 9 14 22 15 11 8
A09 187 64 44 42 51 37 18 10 28 10 40 8 8 10 9
A10 134 64 36 64 38 48 21 19 10 20 29 12 12 14 9
A11 151 40 49 55 71 58 5 3 14 6 22 6 12 15 11
A12 113 38 44 29 58 54 14 7 14 35 25 16 11 11 13
A13 161 50 47 39 63 55 6 8 27 11 12 12 18 11 20
A14 172 61 41 39 76 40 15 15 20 34 22 14 18 15 17
A15 136 24 46 46 60 35 27 11 19 17 23 7 18 22 17

Towards computation

A document-feature matrix (or a document-term matrix)

doc_id the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his
A01 155 65 40 55 54 40 28 12 18 7 22 19 6 13 12
A02 134 94 33 56 51 36 11 11 15 13 24 15 6 14 6
A03 150 65 40 62 43 42 12 12 11 19 34 5 7 7 9
A04 160 68 45 52 38 58 33 14 13 12 19 13 9 17 6
A05 167 61 34 72 54 42 41 14 15 45 27 9 10 8 6
A06 150 77 37 52 54 43 18 28 12 32 31 10 15 8 15
A07 167 65 43 54 39 55 17 32 12 11 29 8 16 16 9
A08 183 69 29 58 39 49 15 25 4 9 14 22 15 11 8
A09 187 64 44 42 51 37 18 10 28 10 40 8 8 10 9
A10 134 64 36 64 38 48 21 19 10 20 29 12 12 14 9
A11 151 40 49 55 71 58 5 3 14 6 22 6 12 15 11
A12 113 38 44 29 58 54 14 7 14 35 25 16 11 11 13
A13 161 50 47 39 63 55 6 8 27 11 12 12 18 11 20
A14 172 61 41 39 76 40 15 15 20 34 22 14 18 15 17
A15 136 24 46 46 60 35 27 11 19 17 23 7 18 22 17

Towards computation

A document-feature matrix (or a document-term matrix)

doc_id the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his
A01 155 65 40 55 54 40 28 12 18 7 22 19 6 13 12
A02 134 94 33 56 51 36 11 11 15 13 24 15 6 14 6
A03 150 65 40 62 43 42 12 12 11 19 34 5 7 7 9
A04 160 68 45 52 38 58 33 14 13 12 19 13 9 17 6
A05 167 61 34 72 54 42 41 14 15 45 27 9 10 8 6
A06 150 77 37 52 54 43 18 28 12 32 31 10 15 8 15
A07 167 65 43 54 39 55 17 32 12 11 29 8 16 16 9
A08 183 69 29 58 39 49 15 25 4 9 14 22 15 11 8
A09 187 64 44 42 51 37 18 10 28 10 40 8 8 10 9
A10 134 64 36 64 38 48 21 19 10 20 29 12 12 14 9
A11 151 40 49 55 71 58 5 3 14 6 22 6 12 15 11
A12 113 38 44 29 58 54 14 7 14 35 25 16 11 11 13
A13 161 50 47 39 63 55 6 8 27 11 12 12 18 11 20
A14 172 61 41 39 76 40 15 15 20 34 22 14 18 15 17
A15 136 24 46 46 60 35 27 11 19 17 23 7 18 22 17

Towards computation

Zipf’s Law

Most frequent words:




Towards computation

Zipf’s Law

Towards computation

Zipf’s Law

  • Zipf’s Law: the frequency of a token is inversely proportional to its rank.
  • Most tokens are infrequent.
  • The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Towards computation

While some words may be normally distributed, most are not.

Emergence of machine learning

Emergence of ML

Let’s return to the excerpt from the Google researchers.

But the fact that it’s a million times larger than the Brown Corpus outweighs these drawbacks. A trillion-word corpus—along with other Web-derived corpora of millions, billions, or trillions of links, videos, images, tables, and user interactions—captures even very rare aspects of human behavior. So, this corpus could serve as the basis of a complete model for certain tasks—if only we knew how to extract the model from the data.


What developments are taking place at this time (the early 2000s)?

Emergence of ML

  • Word2vec is released. (Mikolov et al. 2013)
    • Shallow (2-layer) neural network.
    • Trained using a relatively small context window (~10-12 words).
    • Introduces “embeddings”.

Emergence of ML

Embeddings from a vector model.

Embedding space.
token X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12
the -0.168845 -0.461962 -0.19786 0.274797 -0.125103 -0.706765 -0.003869 0.433402 0.346452 0.040093 0.203006 0.090101
of -0.156332 -0.205717 0.227799 0.168333 -0.124179 -0.942517 -0.006047 0.354843 0.581821 0.178699 0.115994 0.260422
and -0.35421 -0.577716 -0.264329 0.391706 -0.121148 -0.53797 -0.02144 0.292083 0.166029 0.122325 0.112165 0.363388
to -0.188663 -0.475612 -0.165088 0.557264 -0.175906 -0.470315 -0.143031 0.54875 0.024778 0.027579 0.337273 0.035197
a -0.746083 -0.16305 -0.068605 0.621801 0.339663 -0.257003 -0.076629 0.699464 0.013988 -0.189733 0.005224 0.551253
in -0.234889 -0.871305 0.186019 -0.099154 -0.243639 -0.591907 -0.049697 0.545955 -0.03968 0.095335 0.02752 0.127082
i -0.187752 -0.189067 0.54628 0.98086 -0.063788 -0.047667 -0.040399 0.858812 -0.089908 -0.080435 -0.035776 -0.223912
that -0.122229 -1.068663 0.203545 -0.139743 -0.047583 0.257451 0.241411 0.277364 0.427474 0.194155 -0.288758 -0.192211
it -0.116662 -0.151302 -0.215672 0.597628 0.053331 -0.452194 0.164938 0.62079 0.213103 -0.325304 0.023041 -0.108058
he 0.264217 -1.258926 0.16205 0.105418 0.100143 0.165211 0.135424 0.320132 0.002697 0.306683 -0.366043 0.273684
was 0.228962 -0.237645 -0.334393 0.621722 0.014987 0.193712 0.389216 -0.200413 -0.368847 0.021749 0.178661 0.271978
his -0.255955 -0.587171 -0.257692 0.766715 -0.266811 0.074266 0.100724 0.117419 -0.405978 0.719568 -0.003845 0.628617
is -0.491186 -0.487561 -0.074739 -0.115964 0.181698 -0.465943 0.267144 0.468609 0.971713 0.199609 -0.013295 0.234851
as -0.242131 -0.138365 -0.660047 0.03217 -0.077236 -0.672038 -0.807216 0.308242 0.058584 0.009522 0.121514 0.359722
with -0.114715 -0.390149 0.115776 -0.170354 0.055223 -0.112999 -0.208434 0.254655 0.562462 0.362516 -0.401538 0.353187

Emergence of ML

Embeddings from a vector model.

token X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12
the -0.168845 -0.461962 -0.19786 0.274797 -0.125103 -0.706765 -0.003869 0.433402 0.346452 0.040093 0.203006 0.090101
of -0.156332 -0.205717 0.227799 0.168333 -0.124179 -0.942517 -0.006047 0.354843 0.581821 0.178699 0.115994 0.260422
and -0.35421 -0.577716 -0.264329 0.391706 -0.121148 -0.53797 -0.02144 0.292083 0.166029 0.122325 0.112165 0.363388
to -0.188663 -0.475612 -0.165088 0.557264 -0.175906 -0.470315 -0.143031 0.54875 0.024778 0.027579 0.337273 0.035197
a -0.746083 -0.16305 -0.068605 0.621801 0.339663 -0.257003 -0.076629 0.699464 0.013988 -0.189733 0.005224 0.551253
in -0.234889 -0.871305 0.186019 -0.099154 -0.243639 -0.591907 -0.049697 0.545955 -0.03968 0.095335 0.02752 0.127082
i -0.187752 -0.189067 0.54628 0.98086 -0.063788 -0.047667 -0.040399 0.858812 -0.089908 -0.080435 -0.035776 -0.223912
that -0.122229 -1.068663 0.203545 -0.139743 -0.047583 0.257451 0.241411 0.277364 0.427474 0.194155 -0.288758 -0.192211
it -0.116662 -0.151302 -0.215672 0.597628 0.053331 -0.452194 0.164938 0.62079 0.213103 -0.325304 0.023041 -0.108058
he 0.264217 -1.258926 0.16205 0.105418 0.100143 0.165211 0.135424 0.320132 0.002697 0.306683 -0.366043 0.273684
was 0.228962 -0.237645 -0.334393 0.621722 0.014987 0.193712 0.389216 -0.200413 -0.368847 0.021749 0.178661 0.271978
his -0.255955 -0.587171 -0.257692 0.766715 -0.266811 0.074266 0.100724 0.117419 -0.405978 0.719568 -0.003845 0.628617
is -0.491186 -0.487561 -0.074739 -0.115964 0.181698 -0.465943 0.267144 0.468609 0.971713 0.199609 -0.013295 0.234851
as -0.242131 -0.138365 -0.660047 0.03217 -0.077236 -0.672038 -0.807216 0.308242 0.058584 0.009522 0.121514 0.359722
with -0.114715 -0.390149 0.115776 -0.170354 0.055223 -0.112999 -0.208434 0.254655 0.562462 0.362516 -0.401538 0.353187

Emergence of ML

Embeddings from a vector model.

  • When treated as coordinates in space, embeddings locate words that tend to appear together or in similar contexts near each other.

Emergence of ML

Embeddings from a vector model.

  • The proximity of words can be assessed using measures like cosine similarity.

\[ cosine~similarity = S_{c}(A, B) := cos(\theta) = \frac{A \cdot B}{||A||~||B||} \]

Emergence of ML

Emergence of ML

Embeddings from a vector model.

Tokens closest to fast
token similarity
slow 0.448
quick 0.519
faster 0.568
slower 0.593
speed 0.602
busy 0.646
simple 0.663
food 0.676
speeds 0.688
fastest 0.688
pace 0.697
efficient 0.703
easy 0.707
small 0.710
too 0.712
straight 0.717
rapid 0.717
low 0.718
quickly 0.718
packet 0.718

Emergence of ML

  • After the introduction of vector representations and, a short time later, the transformer architecture (Vaswani et al. 2017), language models have rapidly evolved. They can be grouped into roughly 3 generations.

Emergence of ML

Advances in LLMs…

  • Allowing for out-of-vocabulary words (using sub-words or word-pieces for tokenizing).

  • Adding a sequence layer.

  • Sliding a context window both left-to-right and right-to-left.

  • Implementing self-attention architecture.

  • Training on more and more data.

  • Expanding the context window (from 512 word-pieces for BERT to 128,000 word-pieces for GPT-4 Turbo 128K).

  • Introducing reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) with Instruct GPT.

Emergence of ML

An example of contextual embeddings using BERT

sentences = ["bank",
    "He eventually sold the shares back to the bank at a premium.",
    "The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.",
    "The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.",
    "The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan.",
    "The bank left its lending rates unchanged.",
    "The river flowed over the bank.",
    "Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.",
    "His soldiers were arrayed along the river bank.",
    "Wild flowers adorned the river bank.",
    "Two fox cubs romped playfully on the river bank.",
    "The jewels were kept in a bank vault.",
    "You can stow your jewelry away in the bank.",
    "Most of the money was in storage in bank vaults.",
    "The diamonds are shut away in a bank vault somewhere.",
    "Thieves broke into the bank vault.",
    "Can I bank on your support?",
    "You can bank on him to hand you a reasonable bill for your services.",
    "Don't bank on your friends to help you out of trouble.",
    "You can bank on me when you need money.",
    "I bank on your help."]

Emergence of ML

An example of contextual embeddings using BERT

from collections import OrderedDict

context_embeddings = []
context_tokens = []
for sentence in sentences:
    tokenized_text, tokens_tensor, segments_tensors = bert_text_preparation(sentence, tokenizer)
    list_token_embeddings = get_bert_embeddings(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors, model)
  # make ordered dictionary to keep track of the position of each word
    tokens = OrderedDict()
  # loop over tokens in sensitive sentence
    for token in tokenized_text[1:-1]:
        # keep track of position of word and whether it occurs multiple times
        if token in tokens:
            tokens[token] += 1
        tokens[token] = 1
    # compute the position of the current token
        token_indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(tokenized_text) if t == token]
        current_index = token_indices[tokens[token]-1]
    # get the corresponding embedding
        token_vec = list_token_embeddings[current_index]
    # save values

Emergence of ML

Emergence of ML

Emergence of ML

Emergence of ML

Emergence of ML

LLMs have a broad range of applications…

  • Generation tasks
    • Chat bots
    • Content creation
    • Summarization
    • Translation
  • Classification tasks
    • Text classification
    • Segment classification

Emergence of ML

Just as they raise questions regarding…

Investigating LLM-Generated Text

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • A group in the Statistics & Data Science Department was inspired by claims that were circulating when ChatGPT was first introduced. (e.g., “Wow! I asked ChatGPT to write a podcast and it looks pretty good!!!”)
  • We wondered what the text it produces looks like when it is repeated. (e.g., “What happens if you ask it to write 100 podcasts?”)
  • We gave it the same writing prompt that students are given in 36-200, generated 100 introduction, and compared those with introductions written by the actual students and introductions that appear in published, data-driven, academic papers.
  • Then, we tagged the data using Biber’s (1991) features (which counts things like passives, nominalizations, attributive adjectives, etc.).

Investigating LLM-generated text

Projection of student, published, and ChatGPT-generated writing onto the first two linear discriminants, based on the 67 Biber features.

Investigating LLM-generated text

Human-generated vs. machine-generated text

Top text features discriminating between human- and machine-generated writing. Color-coded cells show the average z score of each feature. R2 and p-value correspond to one-way ANOVAs predicting each feature with text type.






Features indicating human-generated writing
adverbs −0.97 0.23 0.74 0.52 0.00
conjuncts −0.75 0.62 0.13 0.32 0.00
modal possibility −0.71 0.04 0.66 0.32 0.00
pronoun it −0.56 0.04 0.53 0.20 0.00
verb private −0.56 0.04 0.51 0.19 0.00
split auxiliary −0.56 0.37 0.19 0.16 0.00
that verb comp −0.48 0.48 0.00 0.15 0.00
prepositions −0.46 0.34 0.12 0.11 0.00
verb suasive −0.45 0.12 0.34 0.11 0.00
verb public −0.47 0.23 0.24 0.11 0.00

Investigating LLM-generated text

Human-generated vs. machine-generated text

Top text features discriminating between human- and machine-generated writing. Color-coded cells show the average z score of each feature. R2 and p-value correspond to one-way ANOVAs predicting each feature with text type.






Features indicating machine-generated writing
mean word length 1.14 −0.13 −1.01 0.78 0.00
modal predictive 1.22 −0.72 −0.51 0.76 0.00
gerunds 1.11 −0.56 −0.55 0.62 0.00
other adv sub 0.94 −0.70 −0.24 0.47 0.00
demonstratives 0.88 −0.70 −0.19 0.43 0.00
nominalizations 0.71 0.00 −0.71 0.34 0.00
phrasal coordination 0.65 −0.20 −0.45 0.22 0.00

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • ChatGPT, for example, produces a more restricted set of modal verbs – one that is different from both expert and novice writers.

Frequency of different modal verbs, often modulating the confidence of claims, in the different types of writing.

Modal verb

Absolute Frequency

Relative Frequency (per 105 words)







will 199 96 39 206.75 15.25 28.52
would 0 28 10 0.00 4.45 7.31
'll 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 0.73
can 5 199 68 5.19 31.61 49.72
may 0 91 46 0.00 14.45 33.64
could 0 43 15 0.00 6.83 10.97
might 0 19 6 0.00 3.02 4.39
should 0 20 10 0.00 3.18 7.31
must 0 16 0 0.00 2.54 0.00

Investigating LLM-generated text

Human-generated vs. machine-generated text

Excerpts from texts produced by ChatGPT

Investigating LLM-generated text

Lab Set Question

If you were working on this project, what would you suggest the team do next? In other words, what limitations do you see in the results of this initial study? What might be done to increase its reliability? Or its generalizability? And what potential challenges do you foresee in applying your suggestions? (Discuss with a couple of your neighbors and write your response)

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • We also created an experiment at scale, with 10,000 samples, across 9 text-types.

Model evaluation for human vs. ChatGPT 3.5.

Statistic Score CI
SENS 0.940 0.93-0.94
SPEC 0.952 0.95-0.96
MCC 0.892 NA
Informedness 0.892 NA
PREC 0.952 0.95-0.96
NPV 0.940 0.93-0.95
FPR 0.048 NA
F1 0.946 NA
TP 7553.000 NA
FP 383.000 NA
TN 7581.000 NA
FN 483.000 NA
AUC-ROC 0.980 0.98-0.98
AUC-PR 0.880 NA
AUC-PRG 0.910 NA

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • We also created an experiment at scale, with 10,000 samples, across 9 text-types.

ROC curve for human vs. ChatGPT 3.5.

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • We also created an experiment at scale, with 10,000 samples, across 9 text-types.

ROC curve for human vs. ChatGPT 4.

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • We also created an experiment at scale, with 10,000 samples, across 9 text-types.


Does this set off alarm bells? Does it look too good to you? How would you check that something hasn’t gone wrong?

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • One way would be to test the consecutive chunks of human-generated text.

ROC curve for human chunk 1 vs. human chunk 2.

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • What if we tried multiclass (rather than binary) classification of 4 different models (ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4.0, Llama 3 8B-Base, and Llama 3 8B-Instruct) and human generated text?
A confusion matrix for a classifier pridicting all 4 LLMs and human-generated text.
Generator Human GPT-3.5 GPT-4 8B-Base 8B-Instruct
Human 94.0% 1.7% 1.0% 1.9% 1.3%
GPT-3.5 5.9% 72.7% 3.0% 5.4% 13.0%
GPT-4 1.3% 2.6% 93.1% 1.8% 1.2%
8B-Base 5.7% 2.3% 2.3% 85.3% 4.5%
8B-Instruct 3.5% 11.5% 1.8% 6.3% 76.9%

Investigating LLM-generated text

  • Many of the features are the same ones we saw in the smaller study.
The 10 features with the highest importance.
Features in human- and LLM-written text
Rate per 1,000 tokens; LLM rates relative to Chunk 2
Feature Human GPT Llama 3 Importance
Chunk 1 Chunk 2 GPT-3.5 GPT-4 8B-Base 8B-Instruct
present participle 1.9 1.8 343% 404% 83% 200% 1,930.5
adverbs 61.8 64.9 70% 95% 105% 76% 1,271.3
prepositions 102.8 100.1 121% 115% 86% 98% 1,014.7
phrasal coordination 6.7 6.5 216% 191% 82% 195% 1,010.7
downtoners 2.0 2.1 71% 154% 70% 53% 947.8
that subj 2.7 2.5 218% 217% 78% 186% 929.3
infinitives 15.8 16.9 105% 78% 122% 142% 814.5
adj attr 48.3 45.8 126% 160% 79% 100% 800.3
nominalizations 16.1 16.1 192% 207% 90% 147% 770.1
mean word length 4.6 4.6 107% 114% 99% 101% 716.0


Key takeaways

  1. Although ChatGPT seemed to explode into the public consciousness, it is part of a surprisingly long history of technological development.
  2. The engineering behind LLMs is incredibly complex; however, the linguistic principles that they’re based on are relatively simple.
  3. Understanding both these principles and this history can help you if you’re tasked with building, evaluating, or using these systems.
  4. Even a relatively simple-seeming research inspiration (“Hey, let’s compare human writing to ChatGPT!!!”) can lead to a complex set of choices and an iterative process of research design and evaluation.
  5. We’ll talk more about this in our first lab next week and the need for considered research questions and project planning.

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