
Introduction to association measures

David Brown

Statistics & Data Science 36-468/668

Fall 2024

Collocations & Association Measures

Collocations fundamentals

  • Using COCA, we can quickly replicate an experiment first conducted by Stubbs (1995) in which he looked at the nouns that collocate with cause.

Collocations fundamentals


What pattern (or patterns) do you recognize?

Collocations fundamentals


What statistical problems do you see with using simple frequencies as a measure?

Collocations fundamentals

Collocations fundamentals

Collocations fundamentals

Collocations fundamentals

Collocations fundamentals


What factors affect the likelihood of “cause” and “effect” being together in the same group?

Collocations fundamentals

A window or span.

Pre-node Node Post-node
Does chocolate cause acne? After many studies, the answer is … ‘complicated’
Shortage of sailors a cause for concern for Royal Canadian Navy
Did wine cause a full-scale revolution in Armenia?
Motorcycle explosion likely cause of Milton motel fire, manager reports
Heavy rainfall, power outages cause school districts to close Friday -
Bales of hay cause traffic backup along I-55, truck fire

Collocations fundamentals

A window or span.

Pre-node Node Post-node
Does chocolate cause acne? After many studies, the answer is … ‘complicated’
Shortage of sailors a cause for concern for Royal Canadian Navy
Did wine cause a full-scale revolution in Armenia?
Motorcycle explosion likely cause of Milton motel fire, manager reports
Heavy rainfall, power outages cause school districts to close Friday -
Bales of hay cause traffic backup along I-55, truck fire

Collocations fundamentals

A window or span.

Pre-node Node Post-node
Does chocolate cause acne? After many studies, the answer is … ‘complicated’
Shortage of sailors a cause for concern for Royal Canadian Navy
Did wine cause a full-scale revolution in Armenia?
Motorcycle explosion likely cause of Milton motel fire, manager reports
Heavy rainfall, power outages cause school districts to close Friday -
Bales of hay cause traffic backup along I-55, truck fire

Collocations fundamentals

A window or span.

Pre-node Node Post-node
Does chocolate cause acne? After many studies, the answer is … ‘complicated’
Shortage of sailors a cause for concern for Royal Canadian Navy
Did wine cause a full-scale revolution in Armenia?
Motorcycle explosion likely cause of Milton motel fire, manager reports
Heavy rainfall, power outages cause school districts to close Friday -
Bales of hay cause traffic backup along I-55, truck fire

Association measures

The formula for calculating MI is as follows:

\[ PMI = log_{2} \left( \frac{O_{11}}{E_{11}} \right) \]

Where O11 and E11 are the observed (i.e., collocate in the span divided by the total number of words in the corpus) and expected frequencies of the node word within a given window. The expected frequency is given by:

\[ E_{11} = \frac{R_{1} \times C_{1}}{N} \]

  • N is the number of words in the corpus
  • R1 is the frequency of the node in the whole corpus
  • C1 is the frequency of the collocate in the whole corpus
  • The accepted cutoff for a meaningful association is MI > 3

Association measures

Association measures

  • There are several ways of handling this:
    • Filter using a minimum frequency.
    • Use one of the PMIk family of statistics (Daille 1994).
    • Use NPMI, which normalizes values between 1 and -1 (Bouma 2009).

\[ \begin{aligned} PMI{^k} = log_{2} \left( \frac{O_{11}{^2}}{E_{11}} \right) = PMI - (1 - k)~\times~log_{2} \left( O_{11} \right) \\ \text{where}~2 \ge k \le 3 \end{aligned} \]

\[ NPMI = \frac{PMI}{-log_{2}(O_{11})} \]

Association measures

  • COCA allows for PMI calculations using the RELEVANCE option.

Association measures

Association measures


What differences do you notice from the earlier result using frequencies?

Association measures


When measuring collocations, you must have a data structure of sequential tokens. In other words, something like a document-feature matrix won’t work.

  • In R, this could be a list or vector.
  • In Python, this could be a list or an array.
  • Alternatively, this could be a polars dataframe, which runs in Rust, but has bindings for Python and R.

Lab: Collocations

  • Begin the lab.


We’re using the preprocess_text() that we introduced in an earlier lab.

sc_tokens <- sample_corpus |>
  mutate(text = preprocess_text(text)) |>
  corpus() |>
  tokens(what="fastestword", remove_numbers=TRUE)

Association measures

  • As we would expect, infrequent tokens have the highest association measures.
token col_freq total_freq MI_1
10:29 1 1 11.08049
38th 1 1 11.08049
allocations 1 1 11.08049
americanizing 1 1 11.08049
anthedon 1 1 11.08049
assignats 1 1 11.08049
bamboozling 1 1 11.08049
baser 1 1 11.08049
borrowers 1 1 11.08049
bridegrooms 1 1 11.08049

Association measures

  • By filtering with thresholds for frequency (5) and PMI (5) the results apprear more interpretable.
token col_freq total_freq MI_1
owe 5 21 9.010102
raise 10 79 8.098639
extra 6 64 7.665454
spend 10 111 7.608004
insurance 5 64 7.402420
spent 9 122 7.319679
amount 6 109 6.897270
making 14 343 6.465782
cost 6 154 6.398668
buy 5 150 6.173601

Association measures

  • By filtering with thresholds for frequency (5) and PMI (5) the results apprear more interpretable.


How do you determine where to set these kinds of thresholds?

A collocational network

  • From the tables, we can generate a collocational network that resembles what Brezina et al. (2015) propose.
ggraph(net, weight = link_weight, layout = "stress") + 
  geom_edge_link(color = "gray80", alpha = .75) + 
  geom_node_point(aes(alpha = node_weight, size = 3, color = n_intersects)) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = label), repel = T, size = 3) +
  scale_alpha(range = c(0.2, 0.9)) +
  theme_graph() +

A collocational network

  • From the tables, we can generate a collocational network that resembles what Brezina et al. (2015) propose.

An example of an application

  • A research group used PMI to create a model that answers standardized test questions (Clark et al. 2020).

An example of an application

  • A research group used PMI to create a model that answers standardized test questions (Clark et al. 2020).

A collocational network

Works cited

Bouma, Gerlof. 2009. “Normalized (Pointwise) Mutual Information in Collocation Extraction.” Proceedings of GSCL 30: 31–40.
Brezina, Vaclav. 2018. Statistics in Corpus Linguistics: A Practical Guide. Cambridge University Press.
Brezina, Vaclav, Tony McEnery, and Stephen Wattam. 2015. “Collocations in Context: A New Perspective on Collocation Networks.” International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20 (2): 139–73.
Church, Kenneth, and Patrick Hanks. 1990. “Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, and Lexicography.” Computational Linguistics 16 (1): 22–29.
Clark, Peter, Oren Etzioni, Tushar Khot, Daniel Khashabi, Bhavana Mishra, Kyle Richardson, Ashish Sabharwal, et al. 2020. “From ‘f’to ‘a’on the NY Regents Science Exams: An Overview of the Aristo Project.” Ai Magazine 41 (4): 39–53.
Daille, Béatrice. 1994. “Approche Mixte Pour l’extraction Automatique de Terminologie: Statistiques Lexicales Et Filtres Linguistiques.” PhD thesis, Ph. D. thesis, Université Paris 7.
Firth, John Rupert. 1957. Papers in Linguistics, 1934-1951. Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stubbs, Michael. 1995. “Collocations and Semantic Profiles: On the Cause of the Trouble with Quantitative Studies.” Functions of Language 2 (1): 23–55.